I believe that a silent film can still be a good quality film even if there is no sound, the storyline could have a good meaning and message to it, than it can still be a good film. For example, take the Charlie Chaplin film that we watched, it was a very entertaining movie and most people in the were laughing at parts, even though there was no sound, the over dramatic movements and ridiculous actions made by some of the characters in the film created an enjoyable environment for most of the viewers. This helps prove that just because a film doesn't have colour or sound, doesn't mean it is a bad movie. Silent films can still have the intriguing and enjoyable attributes of any of the movies out there today. In the future, I think that movies from today’s day and age will be viewed as the same way silent films are viewed now. People will think that the movies from today are bad quality because compared to what it will be like in the future, our film technology is not even close to being as advanced as it would be in about 20 years from now. In a few years, movies will likely be as if you were standing in the middle of everything that is happening in the film. As if you were right there in the scene. From silent films to the films we see out today, will all eventually considered boring once that type of technology goes out of style, but that doesn’t mean the film loses the good story line and message it had already possessed.