Importance of Media to me:
I believe that media is quite important in my life, because almost everything we do now, whether it is school or anything today, it usually involves some form of media. Most school assignments involve using the internet or reading a book. Even for my job, we had to watch several videos and take notes before we actually got to do any hands-on sandwich making .My Top Three Types of Media:
1# Music is probably the most important thing in my life. It helps calm me down if i am upset or angry about something. It also relaxes me after a stressful day. I can't go a single day with out listening to music. I have different types of music to listen to depending on my mood at that moment. I love relaxing with my earphones in listening to music while drawing in my sketch book. :]
#2 Social Networking is the second most important type of media to me. This is because I often after I have completed my homework I like to check in on my facebook homepage and get the update on what's new and going on in my friend/family's lives. I also like to use social networks to talk to relatives of mine that live in Holland. I rarely get to see them so it is nice to have a little chat with them on facebook every once in a while.
#3 Reading Novels is the third most important type of media to me because I enjoy reading a good book after a long stressful day. it feel so relaxing, and keeps me entertained when there is nothing else to do. I also like the types of thoughts that a book will sometimes trigger in my mind. It gets me thinking a lot.
My Thoughts on Popular Culture:
I like the newer technology that is coming out all the time. It is really good for communicating with my family in emergencies or even just making plans to spend time with my friends. It is also handy with school and homework assignments, or even just for fun. Some of the things can be really helpful to us. However, I believe that everything is being invented way too fast. I'm worried that one day soon, innovation will come to a complete stop and then what will happen? There will be no more "modern" popular culture. That's just my thought on popular culture of today.
Why Music Is My Life:
Music is the most important thing in my life. I really cant tell you what my favourite type of music is because I like almost every kind. Except for country music. I like to listen to music that has very meaningful lyrics, or lyrics that teach you to live and move on. When I'm looking for really meaningful lyrics i always turn to Secondhand Serenade. The lyrics to everyone of their songs have a meaningful and touching lyrics. However, when I am in a good mood and am feeling really energetic, I like to listen to Blood on the Dance Floor because their songs make me laugh. Especially at how ridiculous some of their lyrics are. Plus, They have awesome beats to their music that fit well with the lyrics. Lastly, The band that I like to listen to no matter what my mood is would be bring me the horizon. My favourite song t listen to by them is Don't Go. Although a lot of people don't really understand the lyrics, I find the Lyrics of that song very meaningful. You just have to listen closely to hear what the song is really about. This song has influenced my life because at one part of the song, it says " God forgive me for all my sins, God forgive me for everything." Being a christian, this part really hits home to me because every time it get to that part in the song, it makes me think of all the sins i have made and how Go can forgive me for them. But of course, in the song, his sins are a lot different than mine, but either way it is important for us to beg God for his forgiveness for the sins we have committed no matter how bad they were. From stealing the cookie in the cookie jar to Murdering someone. God will still be able to forgive you. That's why this song is so important to me.