Weather Report in Rome
"Good evening everyone this is John Kirk reporting for R news! Things in Rome are a little crazy tonight. We have quite a storm on our hands. Some people may think that the gods are angry, and I am one of those people. The wind is very strong, and the lightening crashes just keep coming one after the other. There is some wild things going on right now. One of them being a man walking around with his hand on fire, but he can't seem to feel any pain. Later on tonight the storm is expected to get worse, but luckily and hopefully tomorrow the storm is supposed to slow a ...... Oh my stars! Was that man on fire? There seems to be a man walking through the streets that is completely on fire! A lion is walking the streets growling at people, but not harming them, and this storm just seems to be getting worse every minute. What is happening in Rome? Could this be a sign from the gods? Or is this place we call Rome coming to an end? What ever it is something must be done! After the break we have Wanda on politics. "