Caesar was standing there in a big room with people standing all around him. Every once in a while someone would walk up to him and have a small conversation while several people stood around him watching everything he did carefully. Suddenly, the people started crowding around Caesar. Calpurnia could no longer see him. She got worried and ran up to the crowd of people and tried pulling them away from Caesar, but nothing would work. The people were immovable. After a while the people eventually moved away from Caesar, and left the room. It was just Caesar and Calpurnia in the large room now. Caesar was lying on the floor motionless no marks were shown on his body. Calpurnia ran towards him and knelt down at his side. She tried talking to him, but he wouldn't respond. She carefully touch his arm. Instantly after she removed her hand from his arm, blood began to trickle down from the spot that she touched his arm. She began to cry at his side, wishing for her loving husband. After a a few minutes, she attempted at standing up, so she could run and get help, but she lost her balance and fell on Caesar's body. When she finally stood up, she looked down at him and noticed that he was now bleeding where she had landed on him. Calpurnia ran as fast as she could across the room towards the door. When she reached the door she tried to open it, but it was locked. She couldn't handle being in the room with her husband's bloody corpse. She suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. Then was when Calpurnia woke up from her night's sleep.